Most US importers are familiar with duty. They pay duty (and
applicable MPF/HMF) on many of their imported goods – particularly those that
are not granted 0 duty by virtue of a free trade deal.
Unfortunately, too many companies consider this cost a
“necessary cost of business” and simply plan for it in their budgets. These
duties can represent anywhere from 1 or 2, up to double digit percentages of
product value. This can have a serious impact on your bottom line! These costs
could be reduced or eliminated, through a duty drawback program, if a
significant amount of the imported product was subsequently exported or
Why is it that so many companies fail to take advantage of this
program? The reason is largely due to a perceived difficulty in the process,
and an inability to comply with the requirements. The truth is, those companies
are right! They are unable to comply, that is without an automation solution.
Allow me to explain, using the drawback process.
In order to claim duty drawback, you will have to put
together several document files, as well as demonstrate your systems to customs
in a satisfactory way. Not to mention the fear most companies have of opening
their books to customs (voluntary audit, anyone?), this process itself is very
time consuming. Several key elements of data are needed as follows:
Import history – all of the import transactions
that cost you duty, for products you subsequently exported or destroyed. This
data set must include the specific import entry data fields required: fields
you may not have available in your company ERP system. This means you will have
to go to the hard copies or an external database
Export history –all of the export transactions
representing the items (either in their original state or as part of your
finished good that used them). Again this must contain the stringently required
data fields, which you may need to consult hard copies to get
Disposal records for destroyed product
A systemic demonstration of your company
processes. This is to give Customs satisfaction that the export/disposal data
lines represent the original imported goods. Remember – you likely export
product codes that do not match what you imported. Furthermore – you must show
that the export/disposal occurred within the legislated time frame allowed,
after importation
After all that, you must take the data and input
it into the mandated Customs forms and templates. You can’t just submit your
own document types
All of the above needs to be 100% accurate.
Incorrect filings resulting in improper refund checks expose you to penalties
Considering all this, is it any wonder many companies choose
to pass on the drawback opportunity? What then to do about it? Well, there’s
two solutions – implement an automated drawback system that ties to your ERP and
customs systems, and enables fast calculation and filing of all of the above.
OR, consider an FTZ, or Foreign Trade Zone.
What is an FTZ? FTZ’s allow you to avoid duty at the time of
import .This means you won’t need to file for duty drawback when you
export/destroy, since you never paid it. It gets better: you also don’t pay
duty on the domestically consumed imports until they leave your facility. This
means you can defer payment of duty for months at a time, improving your cash
The US FTZ program also allows for “tariff inversion”. What
is this? Allow an example:
If you import widget A, and it has duty of 10%, you are
currently paying 10%. Now let’s imagine you manufacture gear B using that
widget. Gear B has a duty rate of 5%. Under an FTZ you will pay 0 duty when you
import the widget. Next you consume the widget in the gear. When you sell the
gear domestically you will pay only 5% duty on the value of the widget,
resulting in a savings of half the duty vs. the non-FTZ model, on top of
payment deferral.
There are also other ancillary benefits such as weekly
import filing, allowing you to pay one MPF fee for multiple entries.
Let’s take this back to where we started. If you are an
importer and manufacturer, you are likely paying significant duty. You could
recover some of that duty through drawback, but the manual process is difficult
and perhaps out of the question. A foreign trade automation tool such as SAP
GTS can help you recover these duties easily and more accurately. Alternatively,
why not consider an FTZ? With an FTZ you could save even more money and with
much less administrative burden.
Kevin Riddell
Kevin Riddell
Hey Kevin Riddell, Thank you for sharing benefits and challenges of duty drawback